

This report presents the UNESCO global Happy Schools framework consisting of 4 pillars – people, process, place and principles – and 12 high-level criteria to guide the transformation of learning. It offers a holistic model for embedding happiness …


The prevention program JMD Mental Health Coaches offers young people space for information, exchange of experiences and discussions on the topic of mental health.


The central goal of the GUS study was to identify the causes of accidents and injuries in the school environment. Analyses of accidents based on accident statistics provide valuable information. However, they cannot be used to establish causal …


The “eEducation Austria” initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research aims to bring digital and IT skills into all classrooms in Austria – from primary school to school leaving and diploma examinations. Digital education for …

France Education International

AI4T - 'Artificial Intelligence for and by teachers' - is a three-year experimental initiative, starting in 2021 and ending in 2024, to explore and support the use of artificial intelligence in secondary education in France, Ireland, Italy, …

Economic World Forum

This report explores the potential for artificial intelligence to benefit educators, students and teachers. Case studies show how AI can personalize learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and integrate into curricula.


The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki.

unesco logo

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4. However, these rapid technological …

unesco logo

As the world is moving towards an increasingly digitized future, UNESCO has launched a series of regional seminars on the development of national digital and AI competency frameworks to equip educators and learners with appropriate digital skills.


Publicly available generative AI (GenAI) tools are rapidly emerging, and the release of iterative versions is outpacing the adaptation of national regulatory frameworks. The absence of national regulations on GenAI in most countries leaves the data …


A book by Arjen E.J. Wals, Birgitte Bjønness, Astrid Sinnes and Ingrid Eikeland. In response to urgent global sustainability challenges, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education have been prioritized in the United …


The School-Work Alternation (SWA) programme was developed (under a European Commission call) to bridge the gaps and establish a well-tuned partnership between education and the job market. This work details the development of the AI4Citizen pilot, an …


The HOORAY(Youth for Youth’s Mental Health through Physical Activity) project aims to address this challenge by exploring the impact and positive influence physical activity and sport can have on improving the overall well-being and mental health of …

Chartered Institute

This guide explores practical ideas and links to improve children’s ergonomics with simple, positive changes.


Digital technologies have evolved from stand-alone projects to networks of tools and programmes that connect people and things across the world, and help address personal and global challenges.


Digital competencies of teachers and school students are the most important human cornerstone to underpin the success of the digital transformation of education. However, most countries lack both international reference tools to design national …


Many children and young people are sexually harassed and abused on the Internet. The preparation of these crimes is called cybergrooming.


The Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) is a technology-enabled initiative at scale for high school students. The initiative was seeded by Tata Trusts, Mumbai and is led by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Massachusetts Institute of …

climate ambassadors

The Climate Ambassadors scheme exists to provide free expertise and support to nurseries, schools and colleges to develop and deliver impactful climate action plans.


Since the generative AI ChatGPT became available to the general public at the end of 2022, many people have been thinking about the impact of AI on the school system. How will AI fundamentally change education and learning?


As part of its broader “AI and the Futures of Learning" initiative, UNESCO is now developing AI competency frameworks for both teachers and students for school education.


Teachers and learners face ever greater challenges in their everyday school life. It is therefore important to do more for health, the school climate and shared learning success by establishing health-promoting ideas in primary and secondary schools.

Bildungsserver MV

Since 2003, public schools in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been participating in the “Good Healthy School MV State Program”, which was initially called “”. The aim of the program is to support schools on their way to becoming a …

Senatsverwaltung BJF Berlin

Since 2003, the state program “Good Healthy Schools” has been supporting Berlin schools that want to set out to give mental and physical health special attention in everyday school life. Health promotion improves job and school satisfaction and, …


Studies show that children who enjoy going to school and feel comfortable there have better conditions for their school success. Health and well-being – among students and teachers – are essential conditions for educational quality. In order to …

Green Ginger

The Research and Test Lab (RATLab) introduces young people to biomechanics and the importance of bone, joint and muscle health. It uses a combination of science, hi-tech projections and puppetry devised by theatre company Green Ginger. During a visit …


Student Wellbeing is the core element of life at Young High School. The focus of this strategy is the adoption of the ‘Mind Matters' program across the school for all students. ‘Mind Matters is a mental health initiative for secondary schools that …


Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good. The handbook provides extensive inspiration for school …

li Hamburg

School health promotion measures are more effective the more they are integrated into a “healthy school” concept. This is the concept of Hamburg.

Bildungsserver RLP

Health is an important prerequisite for education and education is an important prerequisite for health awareness and health behavior. Health is therefore a central resource for achieving the educational mission of schools. This applies directly to …


GrundGesund - an information portal from the BZgA to support health promotion in primary schools and the model project "Health examinations in primary schools"

A good, healthy school agrees on its educational and upbringing mission, implements it successfully and thus makes a contribution to education for sustainable development. It demonstrates good qualities in the following areas and ensures their …


Health and educational success are closely related. Good nutrition, sufficient exercise and health-conscious behavior are prerequisites for students to feel comfortable in their learning environment and to be able to learn better. The state program …


In the present specialist concept "Developing good schools with health" (BG/GUV-SI 8097), safety and health promotion are intended to contribute to increasing the quality in general and vocational schools. The concept follows the approach of …

schulentwicklung CH

The most important resource of every school are competent, motivated and healthy school management, teachers and students. Good schools “live” from everyone taking part in making the school a health-preserving place to learn and work. If strengths …


If school management, teachers and other school employees act professionally and with awareness of their physical and mental health, they have a positive influence on the school climate and the quality of teaching. The students in particular benefit …


Developing schools with mental health. A resource for school leaders and the basis for MindMatters' in-depth modules for teachers.


The pilot phase of “#standup” was successfully completed in mid-2023 as part of an evaluation. The results show that raising awareness of the topic, promoting social-emotional skills, creating a guideline for action and using the reporting platform …


As part of its broader “AI and the Futures of Learning" initiative, UNESCO is now developing AI competency frameworks for both teachers and students for school education. The draft AI Competency Frameworks for school students and teachers have been …


Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the process of fundamentally transforming our working and living environments and will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. However, despite its potential, AI carries risks. Distortions, prejudices and …


The web platform offers tools for teachers and professionals to delve deeper into the topics of addiction and mental health with young people and to promote their life skills.


The MindMatters program promotes talking about one's own and other people's feelings, participation, mindfulness and friendship with peers, as well as solidarity with the class and the school.


High school students encourage each other to deal with stress in a healthy way.


Risk assessment guide to help employers, in consultation with the recognised trade unions, assess the extent of harm that may be caused by the Ofsted process and take practical steps to minimise these risks.

Primary school fan

The primary school fan digital is a handout in the form of a fan that provides suggestions for the use of digital media at primary schools in the Free State of Saxony.

European Union

The executive summary of the final report of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training functions as a supportive document for the ethical guidelines. The report presents the efforts of the Expert Group …


Since the generative AI ChatGPT became available to the general public at the end of 2022, many people have been thinking about the impact of AI on the school system. How will AI fundamentally change education and learning? Some fear that nobody will …

European Union

We have seen in the previous discussion and scenarios that AI has the potential to deliver great benefits for education. However, we have also seen that there are also risks associated with its use. In many cases, we may determine that these are …

AI4T logo

AI4T is an Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter voluntarily restricted to mathematics, science and modern …

Council of Europe

A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.This report was prepared within the scope of the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental project on Artificial Intelligence and Education. As noted by the Council of …


The Artificial Intelligence and the Futures of Learning project builds on the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence adopted at the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2019 and follows up on the recommendations of the …


This course will help you improve your digital competencies to efficiently teach with/for AI and integrate it into your classes. Working in teams, doing personalized projects and learning through direct experience with different AI tools, this …

Code School Finland logo

Code School Finland helps teachers and schools to teach coding, robotics and AI in a way that promotes the development of the 21st century skills. It improves student learning and supports teachers' professional development.


Edpuzzle is a website where teachers can choose from many videos for educational purposes, edit them and turn them into interesting, interactive learning material for numerous topics.


The report has been produced by UNESCO’s Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education, which sits within the Futures of Learning and Innovation Team. UNESCO is investigating the current practices of developing and implementing AI …

education estonia

In 2012 Estonia launched the ProgeTiger programme to create interest in technology and improve technological literacy and digital competence of teachers and students. Various courses and training have been undertaken to this end, including …


AI technologies are shaping the educational landscape in different ways. The better we understand these technologies, the better we can apply them in education. The report Promises of AI in Education provides an overview of the educational landscape …


Leveraging technology, Schoolinka is designing exciting professional development opportunities for teachers. We are solving the problem of lack of teacher quality by creating online learning experiences and in-person workshops for teachers. Teachers …

Department of Education

This non-statutory guidance outlines how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements. It complements existing subjects, including relationships education, relationships and …

Digital School logo

Digital School is the first school opened in the Republic of North Macedonia, which offers information technology courses for children aged 8 to 18 years.

unesco logo

Digital technology is rapidly transforming many aspects of society and the economy in Southeast Asia and is beginning to leave its stamp on education. This edition accompanies the 2023Global Education Monitoring Report, which acknowledges technology …

lernende systeme logo

Legal violations are the order of the day in the virtual world. Children and young people in particular often come into unintentional contact with questionable or even criminal content while surfing. Condat AG has developed an AI system for the Media …

future classroom lab logo

The report “Teacher Survey: Sound in schools and its impact on learning and teachers’ wellbeing” captures the results of a pan-European survey conducted by European Schoolnet under its Future Classroom Lab initiative with the financial assistance of …

e-skole logo

Systematic and regular use of the most modern technology in learning and teaching, adequate infrastructure and computer equipment in all schools in Croatia, as well as numerous developed digital educational contents and e-services for teaching and …


Increased access to digital technologies and social media has created new opportunities and challenges for education. New tools are used by schools to support teaching, learning and interaction, facilitate teachers’ professional development and …


This project aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge and competences in relation to using digital technologies to support pedagogical, communicative, creative and collaborative activities. With a website presenting resources, an online course, an online …

oshc logo

The objective of the International Safe School Program, under the framework of the World Health Organization (WHO) Safe Community initiative, is to apply the best practices of proven injury prevention programs to protect the safety and health of …

Healthy Learners logo

The model is integrated into the structures and systems of the Government and leverages existing personnel, making it highly efficient to scale and sustain. The Ministry of Education has established a new department for School Health and Nutrition, …


This is the second report of the “DETECT – Developing Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacies” project. The report aims to develop an understanding of teachers’ needs in relation to critical digital literacies within a school context. It presents the …

Student Health Service logo

The Health Promoting School (HPS) framework promulgated by the World Health Organization aims to strengthen a school's capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working through a concerted effort of all its members and the community. The …


The Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative is a standardised approach to evaluating digital products and services used by schools across Australia and New Zealand against a nationally consistent security and privacy control framework.


Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) provides systematic and comprehensive descriptions of countries’ education legislation and policies related to the themes of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. Data collection for each chapter is …

ideas powered logo

The Intellectual Property (IP) in Education project aims to bring intellectual property rights closer to classrooms by enhancing the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship of young Europeans.


The study “Health behavior and accidents in school age” (Gesundheitsverhalten und Unfallgeschehen im Schulalter - GUS), duration November 2013 – June 2021, is one of the largest child and youth studies in Germany, which is also designed as a …

GEM Report

The new 2023 GEM Report on Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? addresses the use of technology in education around the world through the lenses of relevance, equity, scalability and sustainability.


Fit for Life is UNESCO's sport-based flagship designed to accelerate COVID-19 recovery, support inclusive and integrated policy making, and enhance the wellbeing of youth around the world.


EdTech Hub is a global research partnership. The goal is to empower people by giving them the evidence they need to make decisions about technology in education.

coding for tomorrow

At Coding For Tomorrow, students and teachers learn how to use digital technologies independently, creatively and critically. In order to create innovative technology-based learning opportunities, we have relied on close networking with schools and …

BIK logo

The Better Internet for Kids portal provides information, guidance and resources on better internet issues from the joint Insafe-INHOPE network of Safer Internet Centres in Europe, and other key stakeholders.


SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is a free online tool for Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and companies. It supports them in making the most of digital technologies for teaching, learning and training.

European Schoolnet logo

This webinar series focuses on the meaningful and ethical use of digitally processed data for student learning. The webinar series was planned to take place between October 2022 and June 2023.

e-schools logo

The overall goal of the e-Schools program is to help strengthen elementary and middle school education system with the goal of preparing students for the job market, further education and lifelong learning.

European Schoolnet logo

This report contains an analysis of the effective use of learner-generated data with a specific focus on teacher training. The use of learner-generated data in research is coined Learning Analytics.

European Commission

Database with many examples of innovative teaching for sustainability. The database ca be filtered according to country, keywords, level of education and project year.

European Commission

Database providing a couple of different learning materials.

logiscool logo

Everyone can learn programming and digital literacy. The Logiscool curriculum contains fully gamified, modular, and smart lessons to make learning FUN. All modules are developed to fit the different age groups to find the perfect path to everyone.

makers red box logo

Maker’s Red Box: More than education - Unique story-based curriculums for schools.

Oxford University Press

The Oxford Smart Curriculum Service provides secondary schools with an evidence-based curriculum, and connects it with resources, assessment, next steps, and CPD.

teachers vs tech cover

In this new book, Daisy Christodoulou, a leading educational commentator with many years' experience of working with schools as well as in the classroom, tackles the ed tech debate, asking why it hasn't yet had the transformative impact on education …

sawee logo

The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise (SAWEE) has produced new educational material on the work environment for pupils aged 13 to 16 years. Through theoretical and practical exercises, pupils gain knowledge of what work environment is, …

LEARN logo

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the road safety of children and youngsters across Europe.

LEARN logo

This LEARN! Flash report focuses on how education on traffic safety and sustainable mobility can be linked and supported to ensure that children receive high-quality education that teaches them to move around safely and sustainably.

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the experiences with the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety and mobility education in Europe.

what works wellbeing logo

The group reporting the highest levels of loneliness in the UK is young people. Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a serious public health concern with robust links to mental and physical health, use of health and care services and early …

Ungdomsbyen logo

It takes a lot of courage to be young today. Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) gives students courage for citizenship and equips students and teachers to make sustainable choices that create value for themselves and others. Through our activities, …

Ungdomsbyen logo

Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) developed a process tool which can be used to adapt existing, or design new, activities with a sustainability focus.

chanse logo

CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The main goal of the CHANSE programme is to announce a call for international research projects: …

sicherunterwegs logo

The "trafficsafety4you" program was specially developed for 14 to 18 year olds. It comprises four modules, each of which lasts four school hours and is carried out by experienced traffic psychologists in the presence of the class teachers. There is …


Family holidays are great fun for everyone. For mum and dad, it’s a chance to put work behind you for a while and spend some meaningful time with the people who matter most in your life. For kids, a trip away offers the chance to explore new …

SPF logo

A game to raise awareness of the importance of good posture and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. In this game developed for young people in the 3rd cycle of secondary education, the hero “Flexaminator” fights musculoskeletal disorders.

EU-OSHA logo

The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among children and adolescents is quite high and many young people enter the labour force with pre-existing musculoskeletal problems which can potentially be exacerbated by work.


A website presenting information and ideas for a healthier nutrition.


Kids need to be physically active for 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of that activity taking place outside of school.

German Accident Insurance

On this website, run by German Accident Insurance, children, pupils and other visitors can click through a unique virtual model of a school, to find risks, prevent accidents and to find out more about hazards. For a safe and healthy school for …

intercultural classroom

UGT Public Services promotes the Intercultural Classroom project with the interest of facilitating teacher training, teaching materials, research, workshops with the students, awareness campaigns, publications to advance in the construction of an …

ETUCE logo

The safety and health of teachers is a priority of ETUCE. ETUCE believes a school should be a safe, healthy and propitious place for teaching and learning. Schools are the workplace of teachers, but first and foremost they are educational …

EIS logo

The EIS has a long-standing commitment to anti-racism, and this year will strengthen and develop this work further.

EduKid logo

Meet Eric, a young talented boy from Kenya who uses waste electronics to create electric torch that would potentially light up many homes living without electricity in the slums.

Guidelines cover

The Education Guidelines for the World of Work was produced by the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) of the Ministry of Education of Portugal, in collaboration with national partner entities: Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), Office of …

krisenchat logo

During the first Corona lockdown in spring 2020, there were increasing reports of domestic violence. Many children and young people urgently needed help. To support young people in need, the “krisenchat” (crisis chat) was set up.Young people are …

Lehrer Schmidt logo

Teacher Schmidt uses podcasts to teach pupils about mathematics. His motto is: " What you can't learn in school! - Top secret teacher tricks.

Clean Cities logo

Cities are where the negative impacts of traffic and congestion are most obvious. Air pollution, mostly from diesel vehicles, is a public health emergency and responsible for around 300,000 early deaths across Europe each year. The road transport …

Eco Schools logo

Eco-Schools is a growing phenomenon, which encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the …

Morriston PrimarySchool logo

Pupils were shown a replica living room containing numerous trip hazards including trailing wires, children’s toys strewn across the floor, blankets draped over furniture and a loose rug – all of which could have the potential to cause a fall.

Midcoast Council logo

Schools across the region are embracing MidCoast Council's initiative in installing 'kiss and ride' zones to help provide parents with a clear and safe place to drop children off each morning. The kiss and ride zones marked with blue signage, have …

schools climate action planner logo

Transform Our World and its partners have developed this free, easy-to-use digital tool to enable teachers, students and staff to identify actions they can take to reduce their school's environmental impact. After answering some yes or no questions, …

UK Rheinland Pfalz logo

Far too many children have accidents every year in school sports, whose injuries could have been prevented with the right preparation for lessons and the right forms of exercise, games or organization. With the web application, the …

YOURS logo

Our Action Kit is the backbone of the work we do to empower young people in road safety. All around the world, youth who have been affected by road traffic crashes or want to take real action have picked up the Action Kit as an effective starting …

YOURS logo

The Toolkit is a document that will guide policymakers and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage and involve young people. Meaningful youth engagement, particularly in road safety, is something we’ve championed since the very beginning. We …

YOURS logo

Posters can be an effective awareness raising tool and used in the proper setting, can be the extra nudge to encourage a young person to be safe on the road.

YEDI logo

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

bvpg logo

For more than ten years, the prevention program "Treasure Hunt", developed by the Hamburg Working Group for Health Promotion e.V. (HAG), has been successfully implemented in day-care centers to strengthen the resilience and mental health of children. …

SimE logo

The overall objective of the SimE project is to improve nursing students’ ethical competence by creating three common study courses in order to develop more aligned VET programmes.

SOM logo

Good musculoskeletal (MSK) health is integral to a full working life. This MSK Health Toolkit for employers and further education institutions from SOM, the British Society for Rheumatology and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities was …

SHE Masters logo

TOOLBOX TALK with S.H.E Masters is a safety talk show which invites safety professional, organisations, and the public to discuss issues of safety across all industries. The main aim of the program is to simplify safety information by making it …

PassaPortugal logo

PASSAPORTUGAL was born on the initiative of GONKSYS , as a promoting company, and from the will of the associated Partners, all sharing the common desire to contribute to the education of the youngest, those who are the future of our society!

HSE logo

This guidance aims to help schools and colleges understand their duties in relation to asbestos management. It should be used alongside more detailed advice, such as the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) duty to manage asbestos guidance and …

EBA logo

Education Bridge for Afghanistan (EBA) is a non-profit organization established by a group of volunteer education activists in Afghanistan and around the world. EBA provides a practical, indigenous, online education platform for secondary-level …

Danish ASP

The Danish UNESCO-ASP (Associated Schools Project) network is part of the International UNESCO ASP Network, which presently includes 11,500 schools and educational institutions in 182 countries.

Online Safety cover

Frontline workers in health, education and law enforcement provide essential services directly to the public.They often work with people facing online safety issues and have a unique opportunity to help their patients, students or clients.

Teachers guide cover

This book “Teacher’s Guide for Education for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean”, released by UNESCO, gives an overview on the topic education for sustainability. Education must effectively empower all people to make responsible and informed …

Utah SBoE logo

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in coordination with stakeholders, has made Safe and Healthy Schools a board priority. The Utah School Safety Framework includes 9 Conditions that schools may follow to create comprehensive safe and healthy …

YouthLink Scotland logo

YouthLink Scotland is committed to the role that Learning for Sustainability has in both a current and future practice as a youth work sector. On this website, you can find the current projects that YouthLink Scotland is supporting, resources on LfS …

Education for sustainability logo

Education for Sustainability executes a variety of educational programmes such as workshops, teacher training and a 10-week climate literacy course for 6th class up to transition year. It is the vision to create a world where young people are …

Auckland Council Logo

This campaign by Auckland Council in New Zealand aims to promote sustainable education for Students as well as for educators.

OECD library logo

What is the nature of childhood today? On a number of measures, modern children’s lives have clearly improved thanks to better public safety and support for their physical and mental health. New technologies help children to learn, socialise and …

Digital devices logo

In January 2020, Virginia legislators passed House Bill 817 requiring the Department of Education (VDOE), in collaboration with the Department of Health and medical professional societies, to develop health and safety guidelines related to the use of …

Department of Education logo

There are a number of physical health and safety matters to consider when using technology devices within schools including use of wireless networks, ergonomics, using interactive whiteboards and projectors and the risk of photosensitive epilepsy.

getting smart logo

An article highlighting school safety and security in the USA. “While acts of violence dominate the headlines and news cycles, educators work with students on a daily basis to confront issues that are even more significant. The number one concern …

Action for healthy kids logo

Are your students receiving quality physical education each day? A quality PE program that meets national guidelines is the cornerstone for a physically active school and helps support improved classroom behavior, physical fitness, and standardized …

Finnish National Agency for Education logo

Move! is a national physical functional capacity monitoring and feedback system for Finnish 5th and 8th grade pupils. It produces information that can be combined with the extensive health check-ups performed for the 5th and 8th grade pupils. The …

Welsh Government logo

This Framework is aimed at the needs of school-age learners and the workforce supporting their learning and well-being needs.

PHE Canada logo

Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE) is a well-planned school program of compulsory physical education provided for a minimum of 30 minutes each day to all students (kindergarten to grade 12) throughout the school year.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

A Methodological Guidebook to become a health promoting school. In December 2019, SHE released a new version of the old "SHE Online School Manual". The old manual needed an update as today it is recommended to move from a focus on schools only to the …

Shools for Health in Europe logo

European Health Promoting Schools Standards & Indicators address a need for accessible and usable quality standards that fill the gap between what is the current practice in health-promoting schools and what would be the optimal practice in …

Education Partnerships Africa logo

This initiative partners with rural school communities in East Africa to improve the quality of secondary education.

Federal Ministry of Education Nigeria logo

The Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria, Education in Emergencies and a couple of partner organizations developed this standard for school safety. The Minimum Standards for Safe Schools document targets the basic and senior secondary education …

Botswana Open University logo

The 12 months Certificate in Community based Work with Children and Youth is offered from the Department of Community Development, Psycho-social and Behavioral Sciences. The aim of this programme is to enhance effectiveness in working with children …

Charlie Waller logo

Charlie Waller is one the UK’s most respected mental health charities, founded by the family of Charlie Waller who took his own life in 1997 whilst suffering from depression. The charity helps young people to understand their own mental health, to …

Lernen ohne Lärm logo

A project giving information on the impact of noise for learning and how to sensitize students for the problem and improve learning environments by understanding noise and acoustics.

besslab logo

The besslab is a scientific institution at the University of Paderborn that aims to provide well-founded support for exercise, games and sports in everyday life for children and young people.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

A selection of examples of practice in health promoting schools in different countries on the website of the "Schools for Health in Europe Foundation (SHE)".

Make Your School logo

In the scope of the project “Make your school”, which is supposed to give students digital skills, this video is a tutorial on how to build a “Noise traffic light” to avoid noise pollution in the classroom and make the learning environment healthier.

Napo logo

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA (the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), together with the Napo Consortium, has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) lessons for teachers, aimed at introducing safety and …

Unfallkasse Berlin logo

Brochures and learning materials for kids on the topic “How to deal with fire”.

Saskatchewan Administration logo

Website with a large amount of material for safety and wellbeing of students, teaching tools and materials for teachers.

national education union logo

A short film about the importance of ventilation in schools, not just for Covid, but for education more widely.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan logo

Every year, approximately 4,000 Saskatchewan workers under the age of 25 are injured on the job. Three young workers die annually in a workplace incident. WorkSafe Sakatchewan initiated a video contest for high school students grade 9 – 12 to create …

Robert Bosch Stiftung logo

What is the impact of digitalization or automation on people, on the way we learn at educational institutions and live together in society? And what will our future workplaces look like?

Road safety for children

"Molli and Walli" is an interactive and animated website for kids, containing quizzes, puzzles, a Jump 'n' Run game and much information about road safety for children.

An interactive Platform from Greece

The e-Drive Academy is an innovative educational Internet Platform for Safe, Smart, Ecological Transportation and Driving.

and Tabuleiro SST - two OSH Apps from Brazil

Students of the Faculty for Mechanical Production Engineering at UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba) in Brazil developed these quiz game apps ...

visual systems designed for active environments

Lü produces state of the art audio visual systems designed for active environments.

a national action programme

Finnish Schools on the Move is a national action programme aiming to establish a physically active culture in Finnish comprehensive schools.

Child Safety in Nigeria

The Safety Chic is a project in Nigeria, focusing on creating unique safety education products for African children and educators in order to intentionally groom safety conscious children.

A free online resource

As new technology continues to offer us lots of amazing devices that do incredible things, our understanding of what their long-term use can do to our bodies has failed to keep pace.

Investigating safety & health in pre- and primary schools

In the interests of a sustainable anchoring of the prevention concept, it is important to sensitize children to safety and health issues in a vivid way.

Pilot project by the HSA

The Irish Health and Safety Authority (HSA) launched a pilot project in post-primary schools in the south-east and west of the country in September 2007. ‘Choose Safety’ is a teaching and learning resource pack for post- junior certificate students.

Promotion of mental health through education

MindMatters originally comes from Australia and has been available to schools as a German-language version of MindMatters since 2003. Following MindMatters' success in secondary and primary education, the program now also supports vocational schools …

Children creating their own “Munching garden”

The "Naschgarten" (Munching garden) at Holzminden is a local prevention project for more nature experience ...

A School of the Third Millennium

The school focuses on teaching foreign languages, information and communication technologies and healthy lifestyle.

School development award

The school development award „Good healthy school“ is an initiative of the Statutory accident insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Introducing safety and health in education: Study resources for teachers

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, together with the Napo Consortium has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) education toolkits for teachers ...

Helping to make a good and healthy school

The design and furnishing of classrooms are important factors for successful learning and teaching ...

Primary Prevention of Children Injuries

KIDMAP from Czech Republic is a voluntary group of experts at the children’s world, without legal personality.

a board game by Ikeja Electric, Nigeria

Ikeja Electric Plc (IE), Nigeria’s largest electricity distribution company, has taken its safety enlightenment campaign a notch higher ...

Master Trust

Güven Usta ("Master Trust") is a comic character, designed and produced by Murat Çokal for the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Ar and Mi is a project from Denmark featuring two trolls, who are supposed to help teachers to teach about Safety and Health.

Improve the mental health and wellbeing of children

KidsMatter aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children, reduce mental health problems amongst children, and achieve greater support for children ...

LOcHER is an approach for students and apprentices to identify health and safety risks in their area of study ...

Teaching Young Workers About Job Safety and Health

Talking Safety, a foundation curriculum in occupational safety and health. This curriculum by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the culmination of many years’ work by a consortium of partners dedicated to reducing …

A Project by the Government of Castilla y León

The “¡ A salvo!” (Safe!) campaign directed at primary education students aged from 6 to 12 years in all schools in Castilla y León and was developed to increase the children's awareness and attention to safety.

Youth Employment Educational Outreach Game

Paying Attention Pays is a fun, innovative, interactive, educational and rewarding game ...

In April 2005, the primary school Zachar Kroměřiž in the Czech Republic was announced International Safe School.

Källby Gård is a comprehensive school with children from 1 to 12 years old.

Registered Foundation for Listening by HR and BR

“Safe School with PZU” is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Sport, National Road Safety Council (NRSC), Main Police Command, and

Health and Safety Courses, Training, Health and Safety Audits

This website by the British Safety Council offers lots of information and resources for young people and employers ...

Material for study and teaching for schools

Hearing Health provides material for teachers in compulsory schools to enhance the knowledge of their pupils about noise, their sound environment and about the protection of hearing damage.

The Independant Institute for environmental questions (UfU) in Berlins offers a a collection of materials about "Noise and Listening", which is available for all teachers in Berlin.

This project of the construction supervision council of the canton Zurich wants to sensitize pupils and give them knowledge about noise.

Preventing Injuries. Saving Lives.

Parachute is a Canadian national, charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives.

Hands-on design of spaces – building with clay for all, big and small

With its "hands-on design of spaces" scheme, Bunte Kuh e.V. regularly conducts different architectural projects using clay, water and fire in problem districts and in education facilities.

A bird as a symbol for childrens´safety campaigns

Pellekaija Pum is an exotic and rare bird. It is distantly related to a parrot. Pellekaija Pum is bumbling around in all kinds of dangerous situations and the children must give him advice so that he will not hurt himself.

TV programme by Rai Educational and Ispesl

Can children and teenagers discriminate safe from dangerous behaviours? 'Mister Help' is the title of a TV programme by Rai Educational and Ispesl (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Prevention).

Increasing the awareness of occupational health and safety in young persons and decreasing the number of occupational accidents ...

Everyday school activity and programme contains such activities that lead the pupils into positive changes of the attitude towards one another, the environment, to maintain good re

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities

OIRA tools for working with children in schools and nursery homes, developed in Spain, Croatia and Europe. When working with children, nursery teachers are exposed to various work-

Beiki is an interactive web platform and e-learning website for children, young people and teachers. It gives information and provides several lessons and quizzes concering biking,

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way.

The Authority has completed extensive revisions and amendments to the ‘Choose Safety’ school text.

The activities included in this software application will help the students in order to know the basic materials used in a chemical laboratory.

Package of activities that will help the student to get in contact with the materials used in a chemical laboratory.

national education union logo

Poster aimed at helping to keep classrooms well ventilated to promote learning and help limit Covid-19 spread

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