OIRA tools for working with children in schools and nursery homes, developed in Spain, Croatia and Europe. When working with children, nursery teachers are exposed to various work-related risks such as biological hazards (high risks of infectious diseases), risks caused by uncomfortable working positions as well as by repetitive movements and manual handling of children, psychosocial risks cause d by the high responsibility for health and well-being of children but also by relationships with partners etc.. The OiRA tool for nursery teachers helps to identify and assess work-related risks, and provides guidance on their elimination or minimization. The social partners at European level ETUCE and EFEE, in close cooperation with EU-OSHA, have developed this tools to help institutions offering early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) to assess occupational safety and health (OSH) risks and take preventive and effective action, not only for teachers but for all staff concerned! The elaboration of these tools was introduced in 2016 in a Joint Declaration from both partners: Preventing and Combating Psychosocial Hazards in the Education Sector. Risks in the education sector are multifaceted and the tools include a great number of prevention measures - for psychosocial risks, risks of slips, trips and falls, risks stemming from a lack of building maintenance, and many more.
Level of Education: Preschool, School