26 October, A+A Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany

This meeting, organized jointly by the ISSA Section Education and Training for Prevention and the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) took place in the scope of the A+A Congress in Düsseldorf, Germany, on 26 October, 2023. Experts from 8 different countries presented and discussed various aspects of OSH education in schools.

What does safe and healthy cooperation look like in a culturally diverse workplace? The interaction between migration and occupational health and safety will be the focus of the international symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers," to be held 27-29 May, 2024, in Dresden (Germany) in a hybrid format.

In a diverse world of work, companies looking for skilled workers are facing the challenge of onboarding employees with a migration background in a safe and healthy way.

Online event

The education sector, in this case schools, are affected by digitalisation in two ways at the same time: Firstly, with regard to their educational mission and secondly, with regard to the digitalisation of teachers' working environment.
This online event will take place on 23 November, 2023, from 09:00 - 11:30.

Our second e-newsletter has been published now, just in time for the International Congress at A+A in Düsseldorf (see below), where ENETOSH is co-hosting a joint workshop with OSHAfrica, a joint networking meeting with the Section Education and Training for Prevention of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), as well as actively participating in a workshop of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

A joint event of OSHAfrica and ENETOSH

Higher education is the key to developing economic, social and environmental sustainability in OSH.
With their study programmes in disciplines relevant to occupational safety and health, such as safety engineering, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine and occupational health care, universities make a decisive contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, universities have a role model function for good work for future generations of employees.
The event is organised in cooperation with the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) and the Pan-African OSH Network OSHAfrica and will be held in the scope of A+A on October 25, 2023, 10:15 - 13:15.

Joint Meeting ISSA Section Education and Training for Prevention and ENETOSH

On the occasion of this year's A+A International Congress, the International Section on Education and Training for Prevention of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) are organizing a joint network meeting on October 26, 9:15-11:00, Room 5, 1st Floor.

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