Higher education


EfD is spearheading the creation and launch of a multi-country Collaborative Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development (3CSD) that will be rolled out to all EfD centers and beyond.


This project aims to map, explore and understand the opportunities and challenges of telework, and to contribute to enhanced organizational preparedness for healthy, sustainable and productive teleworking.


The emergence of new technology has increasingly blurred the boundaries between work and family domains, and the consequences for the health and productivity of the labor force remains unknown. These contradictory perspectives make it important to …


In the REFLEX project, the relationship between work-time flexibility and work inclusion is being investigated.The combination of work-time flexibility and new information technology like smartphones and laptops has made it easier for many employees …


University students often find themselves surrounded by the buzz of new technology – and artificial intelligence (AI) is no exception. With endless possibilities for its use, AI can make our lives easier and more enjoyable if used correctly. …


In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to look at 20 of the best ways to put yourself in a position which stands out to employers. You can never guarantee you’re going to be the optimum candidate for a job – but by following the advice laid out …


The publication presents an overview of the use of digital human models (DHM) in academic education at five exemplary universities in Germany and Austria. In addition to the presentation of different human models, the integration of them into the …

FH Potsdam

In cooperation with ZEDI – Zentrale Einrichtung Digitale Lehre, the transfer scouts and staff and teachers from the field of occupational safety and health, the project "Arbeitsschutz Digital" is developing digital teaching and learning units on the …

Cyberjaya College Kuching

A 2.5-year programme prepares students of safety and health with knowledge and skills that enable them to bring about change in the way safety and health initiatives are implemented in the workplace. This programme is in partnership with a 5-Star …

You Count logo

Citizen Social Science is defined as involving equal collaboration between citizen groups (co-researchers) that are sharing a social concern and academic researchers.

unesco logo

Digital technology is rapidly transforming many aspects of society and the economy in Southeast Asia and is beginning to leave its stamp on education. This edition accompanies the 2023Global Education Monitoring Report, which acknowledges technology …


Health and safety is of utmost importance across higher education and research. Universities and research institutes are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation, often involving complex experiments, hazardous materials, and advanced …

Gothenburg University

The University of Gothenburg leads a global network of universities working together to develop expertise and share knowledge addressing the Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) of the Agenda 2030. The aim is to promote sustained, inclusive and …


In the summer of 2016, the Institute of Sociology launched the longitudinal study “Paths into the Future”, which analyzes the socialization of a specific group of young people in Vienna from a holistic perspective. The focus of interest is on …

University Grants Commission

All students at India’s universities will have to study subjects such as environmental education and climate change in order to graduate, starting from the about-to-begin 2023 to 2024 academic year, according to guidelines from the University Grants …

Carnegie Mellon University logo

Named for the late Nobel and Turing Award laureate and CMU Professor Herbert A. Simon, the Simon Initiative harnesses a cross-disciplinary learning engineering ecosystem that has developed over several decades at Carnegie Mellon. The initiative’s …

educate logo

EDUCATE was created to redress the lack of research evidence in the EdTech sector. It was initially launched as a three-year programme based at IOE and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

DIG-IT logo

New and emerging technologies are forcing universities to change their approach to teaching and reconsider the process of learning. DIG-IT will explore how EU universities, and the healthcare industry can collaborate to benefit from international …


The digital tools allow the creation of instruments that simulate construction scenarios allowing the identification and prevention of risks for teachers, technicians, and engineers.

Education Support logo

This report presents the findings of a national study examining working life in UK Higher Education institutions.

ingenieur_de logo

Formaldehyde is used in medical fields such as pathology, human and veterinary anatomy for the fixation, preservation and storage of human or animal tissue. In November 2014, the Committee on Hazardous Substances adopted a workplace limit value (AGW) …

JAC logo

Industrial accident prevention is a critical problem to avoid loss of human lives, injuries, damage of installations and financial losses. Training is only effective and sustainable, if the human trainees are affected by their training …

DataSkop logo

DataSkop is a platform for data donations. Data donations can help shed light on the black boxes of social media algorithms and automated decision systems. With the help of these "data donations", the students are to find out about the function of …

Yasar University logo

UNESCO Chair on International Migration established at Yasar University offers an intersectional approach by associating all its teaching and research activities with the SGDs. The case demonstrates how migration as a cross-cutting issue is …

DGUV logo

Formaldehyde is one of the most important basic chemical substances in industry and medicine. In medical areas such as pathology, human and veterinary anatomy, formaldehyde is used, among other things, for the fixation, preservation and storage of …

UCL Logo

A project within the PGCE (teacher-training) programme at UCL's Institute of Education is promoting sustainability across the secondary school curriculum by developing teachers’ knowledge and skills.


This initiative provides higher education institutions with a unique interface between education, science, and policy making.

SHE Masters logo

TOOLBOX TALK with S.H.E Masters is a safety talk show which invites safety professional, organisations, and the public to discuss issues of safety across all industries. The main aim of the program is to simplify safety information by making it …

JMIR logo

Health professions education has undergone major changes with the advent and adoption of digital technologies worldwide. This study aims to map the existing evidence and identify gaps and research priorities to enable robust and relevant research in …

UWSP logo

If you are interested in building socially, ecologically and economically sustainable communities and interested in transforming systems of teaching, learning and leadership, you are encouraged to apply for the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in …

Lifelong Learning Platform logo

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond.

besslab logo

The besslab is a scientific institution at the University of Paderborn that aims to provide well-founded support for exercise, games and sports in everyday life for children and young people.

Blue Engineering logo

Interactive university teaching, which gives students the chance to deal with their social and ecological responsibility, is possible. Blue Engineering is an innovative course offered by TU Berlin which calls for future engineers as well as students …

at the Beykoz University

The Health Safety and Security Team at the Beykoz University (Türkiye) has been established with the participation of 13 people on a voluntary basis to support online trainings in the field of Occupational Health and Safety and to instil hope and …

online learning platform for refugees

Kiron offers a learning platform for refugees. Students registered on the kiron campus have access to free courses that fulfill university preparation, job market preparation or personal growth learning paths.

Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany

S@W stands for "Students at Work". As a student you are subject to special work and data protection requirements at your workplace in clinics and medical practices.

Master in Occupational Hazards (Risks) Management and Master in Construction Safety Management and Coordination

The University of Salamanca, Spain, provides different types of studies in occupational safety and health with the specialisation Master in Occupational Hazards (Risks) Management or Master in Construction Safety Management and Coordination.

by Pakistan Safety Council (PSC)

This distance learning and tutor supported course provides safety and health professionals, managers and other learners with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills on safety and health.

The PGA (Prophylaktische Gesundheits Arbeit), department ‘Linz Academy of Occupational Medicine and Safety’ is a private non-profit organization certified by Ministry of Health to be one of two Austrian instititutions for the training of occupational …

Robert W. Campbell Award

The US National Safety Council (NSC) with global partners organise the international Robert W. Campbell Award, an international award for business excellence. The award recognizes companies that have successfully integrated health, safety and …

A step closer to the real world

The Dublin Institute of Technology is one of Ireland’s largest and most innovative third-level institutions, with a population of 22,000 students and approximately 2,000 staff members. DIT offers over 300 different programmes from apprenticeship …

Net-based Training for Work-Related Medicine

NetWoRM (Net-based Training for Work- Related Medicine), a project by the Clinical centre of the University of Munich Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, is a project for the further development and the worldwide dissemination of …

University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and the health insurance company " AOK PLUS " started this project in 2009. A project group with representatives of the insurance company and the University (University Board, Staff, Student Council, Project …

Examples of good practice for ergonomically designed machines

What characterizes an ergonomically designed machine? What aspects must be considered during design? Where can I find relevant information?

Free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway has created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to reach health personnel all over the world – with the purpose of improving health and life of workers in developing …

Ludwig- Maximilians Universität, Munich

The “Master International Occupational Safety and Health” was established by the Center for International Heath (CIH) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) together with partners from Latin America.

An open access resource in the U.S.

The open-access database "Accredited Online College Degree Programs" is part of the website "Accredited Online Colleges", which is a database for accredited colleges and universities in the whole United States.

Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related Risks

iNTeg-Risk is a large-scale integrating project aimed at improving the management of emerging risks, related to “new technologies” in European industry. This is being achieved by building new management paradigm for emerging risks as a set of …

Postgraduate Studies held by the School of Labour Safety Management in Katowice

These studies prepare students for the profession of a safety and occupational hygiene inspector and, after passing the relevant exam, the students acquire the title of internal auditor of OSH management systems.

Bachelor and Master in Engineering at the University of Liverpool

There is an indication that across Higher Education (HE) engineering courses in the UK, the extent and content of risk education varies, and is not always commensurate with the level of risk that undergraduates could be responsible for managing in …

The Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection — in collaboration with international and national experts developed the Viennese Database of Disinfectants, WIDES.

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities

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