
Digital teaching and learning

In a world where digital communication plays a bigger and bigger role, digital teaching and learning has and will become more and more important.

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Safe and healthy school / preschool / university

It all starts at school: learning how to read and to write, how to calculate and many other things. This is important, indeed, but no less important are knowledge about safety and health acquired in a safe and healthy learning environment.

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Teacher training / education of childcare professionals

For the health and safety of our children, the training of teachers is of essential importance. If you want a good education, you need to train the educators!

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Accident prevention / risk assessment

The basic task of safety and health education is the prevention of accidents. This can be done by raising awareness for physical and psychosocial risks and hazards, teaching workers about safety signs, safe and healthy behavior or protective equipment, and more. The ideal target is, of course, “Vision Zero” – no severe accidents and health impairment at work and at home any more.

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Mental health and psychosocial risks

The protection of and awareness for mental health of children, young people and adults is important at all stages of an occupational career, starting at school and vocational school, for all kinds of students, workers or employees.

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Violence prevention

Bullying, harassing and all forms of violence can be a big problem in Kindergarten and at school.

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Road safety

This issue is of high importance - especially, but not only for children!

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Prevention of skin diseases

Prevention of skin diseases means that the awareness of the risks and the knowledge about effective ways of protection is of very high importance.

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Youth / young workers

Young people are the future of the world of work. At the same time, this group of students, apprentices and young workers, is more at risk than other groups.

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Healthy aging

To focus on sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working life highlights the importance of risk prevention throughout a person’s career.

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Noise, sound and listening

From our first cry to our last moan, we are exposed to sounds of all kinds. These may be nice sounds, gentle or loud, it may be music, but it may as well be noise - traffic-, environmental- or work-related noise.

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Construction safety and health

Many workers at the same site, heavy loads lifted and moved, risky materials being handled, unhealthy work-techniques and machines of different kinds that are used by workers at construction sites. This makes this work surrounding more dangerous and risky. So, issues of safety and health have a special importance in this work sector.

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Asbestos fibers can cause serious illnesses, including malignant lung cancer, mesothelioma (a formerly rare cancer strongly associated with exposure to amphibole asbestos), and asbestosis (a type of pneumoconiosis).

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Drug prevention

Drug addiction and drug prevention can cause huge problems in different ways. This is why drug prevention is so important.

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Leadership / safety and health management / work cultures

Leadership, as well as safety and health management can be very important for a good, safe and healthy workplace.

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Legislation / standards / training standards

Legislation and standards can be the basis to regulate education and training in occupational safety and health.

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