Location: Brighton, UK

On 20 April 2018, the 21st ENETOSH network meeting and the 11th ENETOSH Steering Committee Meeting took place at the University of Brighton, UK.

Location: Prague

The 10th meeting of the committee took place on 11 October 2016 in Prague.

Location: Istanbul

The 9th steering committee meeting took place on 7 May 2016 in Istanbul.

Location: Russia

Education for a culture of prevention
April 2016, Russia Health and Safety week, Sochi

Location: Bilbao, Spain

The 8th steering committee meeting took place within the 10th anniversary of ENETOSH on 16 October 2015 in Bilbao.

Location: Bilbao

10th anniversary of ENETOSH - Joint Workshop: Sharing Knowledge for Global Prevention
October 2015, EU-OSHA, Bilbao

Location: Obzor, Bulgaria

The 7th meeting of the Steering Committee took place in May 2015 in Obzor, Bulgaria.

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