Sustainability in schools and education means running educational institutions in a sustainable way - taking care of resources, a safe and healthy work and learning environment, being climate neutral and being aware of environmental impacts, but it can be much more.
Occupational hygiene can mean much more than "just" hygiene - but in times of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, hygiene itself gains very high importance. Find a selection of examples of good practice from our database dealing with this topic.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common work-related ailments. They affect millions of workers. MSDs are causing workers to leave the workforce early, which is a human and a financial burden.
But the numbers of MSDs among children and adolescents as well as young workers are also already worryingly high.
This year, the film prize of the "Healthy Workplaces Film Award", awarded by EU-OSHA as part of the Portuguese documentary film festival Doclisboa, goes to an Austrian filmmaker. It's the film "Favoriten" by Ruth Beckermann.
On 10th December 2024, a joint event of ENETOSH with the Centre for Applied Health Sciences (ZAG) at the Leuphana University Lüneburg and UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education will be held online. The digitalization of education and training brings significant opportunities but also raises concerns about the safety, health, and well-being of both learners and educators. This 29th ENETOSH Network Meeting will address these themes in two focused sessions.
We are glad to welcome a new member to our network: UL Research lnstitutes and UL Standards and Engagement from the Unites States of America. The ENETOSH network now has 114 Members from 38 countries worldwide. UL Research Institutes is a leading independent safety science organization with global reach and senses and acts on risks to public safety with bold hypotheses and objective investigations.