Online training course on design of human-centred workplaces
The main objective of TRAIN4HCWORK is the development and implementation of a new online course (in English, Spanish, German and French) to strengthen the knowledge and skills of targeted professionals in the design of human-centred workplaces. The target groups of TRAIN4HCWORK are Engineers responsible for workplaces, process and production design, Engineers responsible for machinery, working equipment and tools design, Health and safety managers, Consultants who provide services related to these issues to industry and human resources professionals (recruitment and job assignment of workers). Human centred manufacturing is one of the research and innovation priorities of the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA). The workplaces of the future will give much more importance to human knowledge, skills and cultural background, in particular through life-long learning and training. Human-centred workplaces not only remain essential in the pursuit of reduced occupational and work-related diseases and injuries, and absenteeism, but they will also become increasingly critical to ensure the flexibility, agility, and competitiveness that will be imposed on future manufacturing operations.
Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training