The stress and mental wellbeing resources pack is an extensive list which has been brought together and includes links to web pages and documents about work-related stress, stress management and mental health from a range of organisations including the HSE, Acas, the CIPD and trades unions.
The pack has been developed jointly by UCEA and the trade unions through the Higher Education Safety and Health (HESH) Forum. The Higher Education (HE) Sector-level Health, Safety and Wellbeing strategy 2016-2020 identified assisting higher education institutions (HEIs) specifically in the management of mental health and stress through, for example, reviewing available guidance, and sharing good practice and resources from within and outside the sector as one of its objectives. The pack seeks to support this objective by signposting in one place, for the use of people with specific responsibilities in individual HEIs, resources and good practice that they can utilise. This pack is not intended to be a definitive or exhaustive list of resources nor is it intended as prescriptive in its guidance. Rather it is a tool to support HEIs in the management of stress and mental health issues which should support and engender a proactive approach.
Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA)