The profiles are not meant to discuss and analyse implementation, but rather to facilitate peer learning and policy dialogue between countries on issues central to SDG4 and to explore key trends in education.
The Global Education Monitoring Report is an editorially independent annual report hosted and published by UNESCO. According to the Education 2030 Framework for Action, it has the mandate to monitor progress on education in the SDGs and on the implementation of national and international education strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments.
Education Profiles sits alongside three sister websites run by the Global Education Monitoring Report: Scoping Progress in Education (SCOPE), Visualizing Indicators of Education for the World (VIEW), and the World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE), the latter of which is in partnership with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The first of these brings together data from various producers to explore the progress made towards SDG 4, the global education goal. The second provides estimates of the completion rate, one of the two global indicators of the fourth SDG on primary and secondary education. The third brings together data to compare education outcomes at the country and regional level by intersecting disadvantages such as wealth, gender, and ethnicity and location.
Level of Education: Preschool, School, Initial vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: UNESCO