It is a pedagogical instrument for the promotion of new knowledge and skills, as well as a space where associated Partners reinforce the important work of raising awareness and disseminating educational resources in the most diverse themes:
• Ecology / Recycling / Environment
• Behaviors / Citizenship
• Health / First Aid
• New Technologies / Safety on the Net
• Public / Road Safety
• Safety and Health at Work
• The World of Work and Professions
• Awareness of respect for difference and equal opportunities
For education professionals, we hope that it will be useful and that, at the opportune moment and in a simple and quick way, they can “certify” skills and “reward” behaviors.
They can consult and access quality information, enabling new, healthy and exciting ways of working.
To Families, who can serve them for the discovery and development of shared knowledge, with the recording of memories and approximation to reality, establishing synergies of complicity and proximity between Family, Student, School, Institutions and Organizations, in the transfer of values, improvement of behaviors , in the discovery of heritage and consequent human enrichment.
As for the cultural axis of the project, represented by the “places to visit” area, it is our great desire that the platform can awaken in the youngest, in the classroom, with their Friends or with their Families, the desire to discover the heritage, history and culture of our fantastic country.
May Children and Families better identify with the land to which they belong. And let them, inside, set out to discover!
Among its guiding principles and mission, our Organization has an involvement and participation in the social fabric, helping to improve it, in the different aspects that compose it. The creation of PASSAPORTUGAL is a demonstration of this, a starting point for the diffusion and appropriation of knowledge, in order to a vast general culture, a fundamental instrument for the integral formation of a person.
May PASSAPORTUGAL always remain faithful and respect the principles that are in its genesis: To promote the sharing, acquisition and development of new skills, contributing to a dynamic, healthy learning process of growing interest.
Level of Education: School
Lead Organisation: PASSAPORTUGAL