Gaming app for well-being: Users document everyday activities that promote their well-being and receive points for each entry. As the game progresses, users can unlock rewards and tackle special challenges. In team mode, several users can collect points for well-being together in a team and compare themselves with other teams in fixed rounds.
Good health includes not only the absence of disease, but also a strong sense of well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes mental health as one "...a state of well-being in which the individual is able to fulfill their own abilities, to cope with the normal stresses of life, to work productively and fruitfully, and to contribute to their community" (WHO, 2001). For a person to be healthy, they must function and feel comfortable in their environment. Scientific studies show, for example, that a pronounced well-being is related to physical health, increased productivity and increased creativity. 5 ways to well-being The "Five Ways to Wellbeing" concept describes a practical approach to promoting general wellbeing that was developed on behalf of the National Health Service in Great Britain.
These are five different aspects which, on the one hand, have a scientifically proven positive influence on individual well-being and, on the other hand, are easy to implement in everyday life. The 5 ways are: physical activity (like sports, walking or garden work), learning (new challenges and learning situations), willingness to help (social action, voluntary work, donations, large and small), networking (Sustainable social relationships and social support from the environment) and being careful (perceiving events, the environment and oneself attentively and consciously).
Level of Education: School, Continuing vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: ONYA