A circular economy concept becomes very important nowadays due to increasing population, urbanisation, industrialisation and depletion of natural resources at an accelerating rate. One of the crucial aspect to integrate circular economy to the society is to educate and raise the new generation in the scope of that concept. A main goal of this project is to create a hybrid (electronic and traditional learning) educational platform to promote the concept & value of circular economy to the younger generation. This project initiates an international collaboration between specialists to work together on the global challenges related to circular economy and its educational aspect. The series of the interactive workshops using relevant learning materials & case studies based on the multidisciplinary & diverse areas of expertise from the participated researches will be designed and organised in order to disseminate the knowledge about circular economy to children in the form of breakfast/after school circular economy orientation sessions & clubs in each country involved in this project. This project will promote knowledge exchange on circular economy between the UK, Egypt, Turkey and Kenya and will initiate it globally in the future. We hope to introduce the concept of circularity in education and hope to further develop and incorporate in various subjects. We envision a better world in the future where this and the coming generations will embrace and appreciate circular economy across all disciplines.
Level of Education: School
Lead Organisation: EduKid