The First Vision Zero Summit was held in November 2019 on invitation by the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health (FIOH) and formed part of events organized by Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The Helsinki Summit was a resounding success and saw the launch of the Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work, an initiative promoted by the Government of Finland and supported by the ILO, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), the European Commission, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and the Government of Singapore. Many other organisations joined the Global Coalition.
The second Vision Zero Summit Japan 2022 will take an innovative approach to addressing many exciting challenges. It will be guided by the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Developments Goals on the one hand, and the Vision Zero mind-set and strategy on the other. Leading international OSH-experts will share the latest prevention knowledge and strategies, while senior OSH-managers from renowned corporations will give unique insights into the practical application of the Vision Zero mind-set.
The Summit will due to the pandemic be held online, but the organisers hope that there also will be a (limited) in-person event.
As Vision Zero Summit Partner ENETOSH members can register for a discounted price. Please contact us for further details. You can register for this event on the Vison Zero Summit Japan 2022 website.

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