Training availability for Psychosocial Risk Management

Psychosocial risks have been identified at the European and national level as a concern for both employers and workers. Research conducted at the European level through the PRIMA-EF project clearly identifies the need for training and skills development for the prevention and management of psychosocial risks at work. The PRIMAeT project, funded by the EC Leonardo da Vinci programme, aims at the development of a training programme on psychosocial risk management with a special focus on prevention at the workplace level. Key issues to be addressed through this training programme will include work-related stress, violence, harassment and bullying.
As a key stakeholder, PRIMAet invites experts to participate in this survey to help identify the available training for psychosocial risk management provided by different stakeholders across the EU.
You can download the survey here (DOC file, 844 KB). Depending on your system and browser, you might just have to click this link to download the file, otherwise click it with your right mouse button and choose "save target as...".
Please return this survey by email to by the 30th of April 2010.
More information is available on the PRIMAeT website.

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