2013-11-24 00:00
Ten Key messages

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) discussed and adopted Ten Key Messages for a better quality of education on 23 October 2013 in Brussels. The key messages on “What is needed to improve the Quality of Education in Europe?” were formulated in light of the worldwide EU initiative "Unite for Quality Education - Better Quality Education for a Better World".
ETUCE clearly identified the need for further work on the impact of the crisis on teachers’ working conditions and salaries, grounding quality education on the three pillars: Quality Teaching, Quality Tools for Teaching and Learning and Quality Environments for Teaching and Learning.
Susan Flocken, Coordinator of Internal Policy on Occupational Health & Safety at ETUCE, presented the key messages at the ENETOSH network meeting in the scope of A+A in Düsseldorf on 7 November. The participants of the meeting agreed on the importance of these key messages.
Please click here to find the Ten Key Messages in English and 13 other languages on the ETUCE webpage and here for the global campaign website.
ETUCE clearly identified the need for further work on the impact of the crisis on teachers’ working conditions and salaries, grounding quality education on the three pillars: Quality Teaching, Quality Tools for Teaching and Learning and Quality Environments for Teaching and Learning.
Susan Flocken, Coordinator of Internal Policy on Occupational Health & Safety at ETUCE, presented the key messages at the ENETOSH network meeting in the scope of A+A in Düsseldorf on 7 November. The participants of the meeting agreed on the importance of these key messages.
Please click here to find the Ten Key Messages in English and 13 other languages on the ETUCE webpage and here for the global campaign website.