Education in the UK isn't preparing students to face the effects of climate change, or helping them explore the solutions. But this can be changed. Sustainability and climate change need to be taught across the curriculum, equipping generations to come with the skills and knowledge needed for the green jobs of the future. A broad climate education will empower every young person to contribute to a more resilient, sustainable society. Students need to be taught about the climate emergency and ecological crisis: how they are caused, what we can do to mitigate them and what our future lives and jobs are going to look like due to them. Sustainability and these crises need to become key content in all subject areas. Educators need to be trained in how to teach about these difficult topics in a way that empowers students, and they need funding and resources to do this.

Teach the Future is an inclusive, well organised and persistent campaign by secondary and tertiary education students to greatly improve education on the climate emergency and ecological crisis in the UK.

Teach the Future is a youth-led campaign to urgently repurpose the entire education system around the climate emergency and ecological crisis.
The English campaign has two parent organisations, UKSCN and SOS-UK. The Scottish campaign has two parent organisations, FFF Scotland and NUS Scotland. The Welsh campaign has one parent organisation, UKSCN Wales. The campaign is led by a team of over 40 young volunteers.

More information on the Teach the Future website.

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