Safety and Health Competence

The printed version of this book is available now. The book has been edited by Ulrike Bollmann, coordinator of ENETOSH, and George Boustras of the Center For Risk, Safety And The Environment (CERISE) at the European University Cyprus (member of ENETOSH).
In 12 chapters, international experts from different backgrounds put a focus on the use of a social-constructive and a context sensitive approach to competence in occupational safety and health and try to show how to form a theoretical basis for putting into place the necessary learning processes for cultural transformation in companies and educational institutions.
As Frank Guldenmund of the Technical University Delft (NL) states in his foreword, "Culture is about shared understanding, about shared meanings […] [but is] not arbitrary. This is the dynamic part of culture […] [and] culture is embedded in a larger culture. […] The book that lies before you is about cultures of prevention and about the competences required to achieve this."
Ulrike Bollmann: "This book brings different perspectives to bear on the question of which compe­tences are needed for the transformation of work in the face of globalization, digitalization, and migration."
Please find a leaflet with more information here.
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