Portugese Network

New members within the ENETOSH network! Professor Alredo Soeiro from the University of Porto started to establish a Portugese network of individual members of the ENETOSH network.
In Portugal, there is a large community of teachers and trainers involved in Occupational Safety and Health. Prof. Soeiro is a teacher of Civil Engineering at the University of Porto and has been researching safety in Construction. One of the members of the Protugese network, Dr. Roxo, was Vice-General Inspector of Labour in Portugal and is currently dealing with subjects related with the European matters of OSH. Dr. Freitas, another member, is responsible for OSH in the Portguese telecommunication company and president of APSET - Portugese Association of OSH. The three persons which currently form the Portugese network are a small sample that illustrates the spectrum of OSH activities in this country.

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