2018-09-26 01:00
New Factsheets

Two new factsheets are available now on enetosh.net. Factsheet #3, "An introduction to networking", and Factsheet #4, "Evaluation of quality of academic safety, health and environment education".
In Factsheet #3, Tim Tregenza of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work offers interesting views and thoughts on the topic networking. On two pages, he gives basic information about networking, as well as facts about network typology, size and structure, on network resilience, evaluation methods and network membership.
In Factsheet #4, Paul Swuste of the Safety Science Group, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and Frank van Dijk, Learning and Developing Occupational Health Foundation (LDOH) and ICOH Scientific Committee Education and Training in Occupational Health (SCETOH), write on three pages about the evaluation of quality of academic safety, health and environment education. Their focus is on quality, quality assessment, transfer of education, transfer at different levels of education and evaluation of outcomes, in daily practice and on scientific level.
You can access all ENETOSH Factsheets on our "Publications" page.
In Factsheet #3, Tim Tregenza of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work offers interesting views and thoughts on the topic networking. On two pages, he gives basic information about networking, as well as facts about network typology, size and structure, on network resilience, evaluation methods and network membership.
In Factsheet #4, Paul Swuste of the Safety Science Group, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and Frank van Dijk, Learning and Developing Occupational Health Foundation (LDOH) and ICOH Scientific Committee Education and Training in Occupational Health (SCETOH), write on three pages about the evaluation of quality of academic safety, health and environment education. Their focus is on quality, quality assessment, transfer of education, transfer at different levels of education and evaluation of outcomes, in daily practice and on scientific level.
You can access all ENETOSH Factsheets on our "Publications" page.