The European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health ENETOSH received the LEONARDO- Award 2009: Innovation in practice. The National Agency Education for Europe at the BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training has awarded three outstanding projects each from GRUNDTVIG and LEONARDO DA VINCI for the first time. The prize is supposed to award outstanding projects of high practical relevance.
Susanne Burger from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, chair of the jury, declared: The jury was especially positive about the project results that have been developed by the coordinator Institute Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance in cooperation with all partners of the project. The jury appreciated explicitly the impact in practice achieved by the commitment and expertise of the partners.
The award ceremony will take place in the scope of the annual conference of the National Agency at Bonn Bad Godesberg on 1. - 2. October. Please click here for the programme of the conference.

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