Joining the Dots: Creating Entrepreneurial Networks

The Institute for Occupational Safety Improvement, Croatia, is working together with 2 universities from Croatia and 9 international partners from the UK, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland and The Netherlands on developing a culture of improving safe and healthy working conditions.
The aims of the Erasmus+ approved project "Joining the Dots: Creating Entrepreneurial Networks" are to raise awareness of young workers about occupational safety and health, to promote entrepreneurship with healthy workplaces, to promote sustainable work and healthy aging from the start of the working life, to prevent health problems from the start of the working life throughout the working life and to encourage the exchange of information and good practice.
In the scope of the project, the institute developed e-learning materials which may help young workers to prepare for their first job or to establish an own business with an accent on safe working conditions from the start of their working life.
These materials will be presented at the international training course, which will be held in London from 26th February 2017 and to 3th March 2017 in Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9AJ.
More information on the project and the training course you will find here, to access the institute's website, please click here. A description of the project can be found on the website of the European Commission.

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