ETUCE signs OiRA memorandum

ETUCE has recently been granted the status of Official Campaign Partner of EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Occupational Safety and Health, and is participating in the “2017 Healthy Workplaces for All Ages” campaign.
Especially in the context of the 2017 campaign’s objectives of “Promoting sustainable work and healthy ageing from the start of the working life” and “Encouraging the exchange of information and good practice aimed to preventing health problems throughout the working life”, the EU social partners in education: ETUCE-the European Trade Union Committee for Education and EFEE-the European Federation of Education Employers, have recently signed the OiRA memorandum of understanding (MoU) with EU-OSHA for the development, use and maintenance of an OiRA tool with the EU social partners in education.
This MoU for the OiRA project stems from the EU-funded project “Social Partners Promoting Decent Workplaces in the Education Sector for a Healthier Working Life” run jointly by ETUCE and EFEE. The project resulted in a set of practical guidelines on How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education.
The education sector is characterised by a number of risk factors, especially psychosocial risks, which include stress, harassment and violence. The OiRA tool will be based on inputs from the social partners (ETUCE/EFEE) built on the concept of the promotion of decent workplaces in the education sector. ETUCE welcomes this new partnership and it is looking forward to a fruitful cooperation.
Please find more information on the website of OiRA - Online Interactive Risk Assessment.
There is a call for expressions of interest for an expert, advertised now at the EU-OSHA website.

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