ENETOSH Workshop at A+A

Update: Cancelled by the organizer
On 28 October, the European Networks Meeting will take place as part of the 37th A+A Congress organized by Basi - the Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health in Germany.
At 14:00 (CET) the meeting will start with a plenary session including contributions from EU-OSHA, ENSHPO, ISHCOO and ENETOSH. After this general part, three parallel workshops will be held.
The ENETOSH workshop on "Universities as role models for good work - Integrating good, sustainable work and productive employment into higher education" will start on 28 October at 15:00 (CET) and last until 17:30 (CET). The workshop will be conducted online. In addition, a limited number of participants will have the opportunity to attend the workshop in person on site.
Registration for the A+A Congress is now open: it is possible to either book a day ticket to attend the European Networks Meeting on site or online.
The final program of A+A will be online soon. More information and registration on the A+A website.