Accredited Online College Degree Programs

The open-access database "Accredited Online College Degree Programs" is part of the website "Accredited Online Colleges", which is a database for accredited colleges and universities in the whole United States. This special resource is meant to promote Degree Program Accreditation for skilled workers and service employees. This includes Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, the Police, Entrepreneurs, and their respective organizations. The database allows to search for program-specific education and accreditation information for universities.
In addition to accreditation for a whole institution, such as regional accreditation, accreditation for a specific degree program or department, often called programmatic accreditation, is particularly important for certain fields of study (such as Occupational Safety and/or Health), and some schools may lack programmatic accreditation for these fields even if the school as a whole is accredited.
Many governmental agencies, such as many US Embassies throughout the world, public high schools, and libraries, have already referenced the resource as a go-to site for people looking to further their education.
More information on the website.

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