Is safety and health at work the topic of your profession, for example in companies, the accident insurance system, public authorities, the research community, or national and international organizations? Have you produced interesting ideas, research results, concepts, practical solutions or means of implementing legal provisions for important OSH topics – and would like to present them? Are you a specialist in training in safe working practices? Are you a decision-maker in business and politics, or a researcher, and are perhaps thinking about strategies for the future of safe and healthy work in the era of digital transformation and pandemics? Do you advise companies on safety and health at work? Or do you represent an industrial interest group, national or international industry association or trade union, or self-governing NGO?
At the A+A Congress 2021, you will meet and reach numerous people who will take up your ideas and carry the torch for you.
The call for ideas and topics for the 37th International A+A Congress 2021 is now open. Basi, the Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health at Work in Germany, is calling on all interested parties to take part in the “Call for Participation”. All proposals can be easily submitted online - more information can be found here.