Members of ENETOSH


National Network

AiFOS - Italian Association of Occupational Safety Trainers

AifOS is a non-profit organization made up of trainers, teachers, professionals, consultants, companies and those involved in the training of occupational safety.
The Association, based on principles of solidarity and social aggregation, is proposed to conduct study activities, research and development activities and initiatives. As part of a wider dissemination of culture, training and occupational safety it provides and supports members and members of public and private institutions working in the field of occupational safety and health. The mission of AiFOS is focused on training of health and safety at work and addresses workers in all workplaces, as well as trainers, planners and organizers, managers and service centers, tutors and teachers, businesses organizing and promotion, so that their work is always more quality and high capacity and responsibility.

AiFOS - Italian Association of Occupational Safety Trainers

Via Branze, 45
c/o CSMT
Università degli Studi di Brescia
25123 Brescia
+39 30 6595037

Contact person:

Dr. Maria Frassine

More information:

Paolo Carminati
+39 348 2213233

Associatione professionale Italiana Ambiente e Sicurezza (AIAS)

The Association of Professional Italian Environment and Security (AIAS), founded in 1975, now has 6,000 members and is the most important Italian Association that deals with safety, health and environment in the workplace and life.
The network AIAS is the most important community of real and virtual technical and scientifical Italian professional organizations that deal with safety, health and environment in the workplace and life.
The Association believes in the need to be closer to its members and for this reason it is active in 21 regional sections and over 100 territorial offices.
AIAS relies on the expertise of its Scientific Technical Committee whose 44 Groups and Technical Committees develop technical documents of the association and provide answers to many questions by members of the AIAS.
The Association includes many specialists who promote qualifying by exchange of experience and bring together specialized professionals for promotion and training in prevention and protection:
- coordinators for safety in the construction sector
- specialists in fire prevention
- specialists in civil protection
- security experts in compartment maritime and port authority
- specialists in transportation of dangerous goods
- prevention specialists in the field of health
- experts in the aviation sector
and more.

Associatione professionale Italiana Ambiente e Sicurezza (AIAS)

+39 2 82398620

Contact person:

Francesco Santi

INAIL - The Workers Compensation Authority

Not just compensation but a global protection system for all workers.
INAIL - The Workers Compensation Authority - pursues several objectives: the reduction of accidents at work, the insurance of workers involved in risky activities; the re-integration in the labour market and in social life of work accident victims.
This type of insurance, compulsory for all employers hiring workers in activities which the law defines as risky, protects workers from any kind of damage resulting from work related accidents and occupational diseases freeing employers from any civil liability.
The safeguard of workers is now more than ever an integrated protection system-as a result also of recent innovative provisions of law-ranging from prevention on the workplace to health and economic benefits, medical treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration in the social and working life of victims of physical damage consequent to a work related accident or professional disease.
With a view to contributing to the reduction of accidents, INAIL has also implemented a number of important tools to continually monitor employment and accident trends, it provides small and medium size enterprises with training and advice in the field of prevention and funds companies that decide to invest in the improvement of safety.

INAIL - The Workers Compensation Authority

P.le Pastore 6
144 Roma (RM)
+39 06 6001

Contact person:

Ester Rotoli

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