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National Network

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University with its over 200-year history is a leading Research and Educational Institution in Ukraine.
In the “Top-200 Ukraine” rating conducted by the UNESCO Chair for 2009 Kharkiv University ranks third among all Ukrainian Higher Educational Institutions. According to Scopus, the world’s largest abstract and citation database, the University holds the third position among Ukrainian Research and Educational Institutions by the number of articles published in the leading international scientific publications.
Today the University has 20 Schools and 125 Departments which provide training for specialists in 61 majors. The University also comprises 3 Research Institutes (of Astronomy, Biology and Chemistry), Central Scientific Library with over 3.5 million books in its stocks, Botanical Garden, University History Museum, Museum of Natural History, Museum of Archeology and Ethnography. All University Schools, Center for International Students Training and Pre-Enrolment Training Center provide teaching for 15 000 students and 500 postgraduate students.

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Svobody Sq. 4
61022 Kharkiv
+380 57 707-51-38

Contact person:

Prof. Konstantin Nemchenko
Head of the Department of Computational Physics

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