International, English
The courses will be embedded in each partner organisation's curricula, which will result in increased ethical competence among nursing students in the Central Baltic region. Common courses and teaching methods ensure more harmonized education level in the region, and also more harmonized competence level of nurses working in these countries.
Development of the ethical competence of nursing students is done with help of multi-various methods, like simulation and practical training. Simulation environment is a safe and effective way for students to learn and practice complex ethical skills. The patients and health care providers in the Central Baltic region need more nurses that possess equal and ethically competitive nursing care. This can be achieved by building more aligned curricula in nursing education. Improved ethical skills serve the needs of healthcare providers, promote the mobility of the workforce and increase the quality of patient care. One of the project results is a communication platform for future professionals that encourages networking between VET institutions and nurses.
Level of Education: School, Initial vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: SimE