
Tarkett is an Italian producer of natural linoleum flooring. Tarkett reports that 34 % of the company’s employees working in machine operation roles and offices are aged over 50. The majority of illnesses are suffered by this age group. The company has concerns about cardiovascular health problems in employees due to overexertion, surges in temperature, musculoskeletal disorders, loss of strength, reduced eyesight and sharpness of vision and falls. The actions taken by Tarkett were comprehensive and inclusive and started with risk assessment with the aim of reducing workplace risks. The management team, the company doctor and staff safety representatives were all included in the planning and implementation of new safety measures. When undertaking general risk assessment, Tarkett noted that additional preventive measures were required for staff aged over 50. Information sessions on specific risk factors, organised by the Prevention and Protection Department, are held every 4 years for all employees. It was decided to increase the frequency of these sessions to every 2 years for employees aged over 50. Furthermore, more robust operational safety checks were instituted by Tarkett. The company increased the frequency of on-site checks to weekly for older employees’ workstations and fortnightly for those of younger employees. Changes made as a result of these checks include reducing physical workload by purchasing a portable electric hoist, and the purchase of more ergonomic equipment, e.g. standard toolboxes have been replaced by tool trolleys and a hydraulic platform for lifting material has been installed, thus reducing strain on all employees. Other steps to reduce strain and improve comfort include the upgrading of items of personal protective equipment (PPE), as more comfortable PPE can make work less strenuous. The PPE was upgraded and the old equipment replaced with items that provide the same or greater protection but are considered more comfortable by employees. As for the health protocol, standard health checks are carried out regularly for all employees by the company doctor. To take into account the specific needs of older employees, the company doctor, working with the Prevention and Protection Department, added extra items to the health checks for workers aged over 50. These extra checks include an annual assessment of motor skills, muscle elasticity and prostate-specific antigen — a biomarker that is often elevated in prostate cancer — in addition to routine blood tests. Cardiological assessments, eye examinations and psychometric tests are carried out biannually. Older employees’ potential need for more rest than younger employees has been recognised by the company; employees aged over 50 years are allowed to take longer and more frequent rest breaks when necessary. Employees can also request a change of workstation, temporarily or on an open-ended basis, to allow physical or mental recovery. The management team, the company doctor and staff safety representatives were all included in the planning and implementation of new safety measures. • There has been an 80 % reduction in the risk index relating to tasks carried out by workers aged over 50. • There has not been a single accident involving an employee aged over 50 since 2010. • In 2016, 80 measures for improving the workplace were identified. • All employees aged over 50 received the new, more extensive, medical examination in 2016.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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