In the last years, new advanced materials with different nanoscale dimensionalities (0-D nanoparticles, 1-D nanofibers and 2-D nanoplates) have shown a rapid development, and a growing number of workers is involved in their research, production and use. Such materials have unique physicochemical properties that make them suitable for application in various industrial sectors.
In parallel with the great innovation expressed by nanomaterials (NMs), scientific efforts are currently dedicated to understand their potential adverse effects on workers’ safety and health, which can be different from the corresponding bulk materials (e.g. traditional chemical risks).
Introducing innovative materials and technologies in advanced manufacturing processes, at the R&D and production level, requires the capacity to address uncertainties in terms of scientific knowledge and technical operations, and thus to prevent potential (novel) OSH risks (prevention-through-design approach).
- To review and compare EU risk management and communication approaches and training experiences in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH) in dealing with emerging risks in R&D and production of advanced materials and nanomaterials (NMs).
- To propose a PEROSH/EU relevant guidance document on harmonized training modules addressed to employers and workers involved in the sector.
Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: PEROSH