LOcHER is an approach for students and apprentices to identify health and safety risks in their area of study, learn about them and showcase how they can protect their health and safety and take that experience into the world of work. It is designed to deliver risk control experience throughout the curriculum. Employers can use the project approach to engage workers in a more engaging way than the traditional “slide and screen”, booklets and handout methods. LOcHER is a proven method of learning, retaining, and recalling new information. It is interesting, engaging, safe and practical, helps students develop valuable employment and life skills, contributes to a College's 5Rs - Recruitment, Retention, Results, Recognition, and Rewards. Principles of the project are: The project is based on the following principles:
- Students like the use of active and problem-based learning.
- They consider these methods help in preparing them for future employment activities
- Students' self-directed learning needs the support of curriculum managers, lecturers, and tutors
- LOcHER activities are not stand-alone but form part of an integrated learning approach for a module or subject
- Students should prepare the behavioural modification and risk mitigation messages by self-directed learning
Their approaches should also encourage other young learners to construct their own ways for learning and reinforcement. Information should enable the learning of risk control messages by experiencing/understanding risks and their controls. Information should build on learners' existing knowledge as well as new knowledge and understanding of concepts. Experiments and experiencing the simulated risks should not place the young learners in harm's way. The LOcHER activity must be undertaken in accordance with college risk management protocols and procedures.
Level of Education: School, Initial vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: Safety Groups UK