yeepa is a software solution for real time multi-player quiz gaming and measuring knowledge development. yeepa uses psychometric methods implemented also in PISA. While PISA is a paper and pencil test for students, yeepa is a socially interactive gaming platform on the Internet for everybody anytime. yeepa is currently introduced to schools and universities in Germany. 1000 medical students of the University of Mainz use yeepa to prepare for their examinations. Learners log in via smartphone, tablet or laptop and compete against each other in quizzes relevant to integration in Germany. The quizzes introduce to the German way of life, culture and legal and political frameworks. They highlight issues of refugees and migrants in Germany. They also address refugees and potential migrants wishing to come to Germany. Critical incidents of the entire migration life cycle are presented and offer insights and solutions through further information and learning material. As cultural diversity is an important topic in occupational safety and health, this tool can help to face challenges caused by growing numbers of migrants, refugees and of multicultural workplaces.
Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training