
The use of chemicals, especially solvents, is fundamental to the process of treating furniture. A multitude of chemicals in widely varying concentrations are used as support for the application of certain varnishes and lacquers during the various phases of the process, e.g. tints, primers, glazes or finishes. Similarly, various chemicals are used as accelerants, catalysts or solvents in conjunction with other products. The reason for preparing this Guide was the fact that chemicals can have major repercussions in terms of human safety and health and the environment. Furthermore, SMEs in this sector have very little information available on such topics. The Guide was put together by undertakings in the furniture sector throughout AndalucĂ­a, on the basis of surveys conducted amongst those responsible for the prevention of risks in the workplace, and also commercial concerns that supply chemicals and companies involved in the collection and recycling of waste.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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