There is a digital revolution sweeping the world. It is affecting every area of our lives, and no less education. The arrival of COVID-19 made the use of digital technology to ensure the continuity of education obligatory overnight. The recent emergence of artificial intelligence is yet again pointing to new potentials, new limitations and, critically, new risks to learners that may come from change happening at such a fast pace. Accompanying the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report, this regional edition analyses the ways that these developments are playing out in education in Southeast Asia, where they add value and where they add complications. Reflecting global trends, learners, teachers and institutions in Southeast Asia, a region of some 400 million internet users, have embraced digital technology at a sprint. Learning management platforms have multiplied. Micro-credentials are fast changing higher education.
Three main challenges are considered:
In terms of equity and inclusion, while technology helps lower costs to access education, internet connectivity at home is highly unequal by wealth and location, and less than half of rural schools in the region have internet.
In terms of quality, digital technology can enliven student experiences and facilitate learner collaboration. Yet rigorous evidence of its impact is rare. While new technology may overcome some constraints, it brings its own problems, including increased screen time and risks to children’s privacy.
Improvements to efficiency may be the most promising, whether by freeing up time for more meaningful education activities or by generating large volumes of valuable data. However, each tool has major implications in terms of regulation and capacity development.
Improvements to efficiency may be the most promising, whether by freeing up time for more meaningful education activities or by generating large volumes of valuable data. However, each tool has major implications in terms of regulation and capacity development.
Level of Education: School, Higher education
Lead Organisation: UNESCO