
Uruguay is one of the participating countries of the global Project “Building a Generation of Safe and Healthy Workers. Safe Youth @ work”, executed by the ILO and funded by the US Department of Labor. One of the components of the Project aims at strengthening the mainstreaming of occupational safety and health into vocational training. The inclusion of OSH training into VT training programmes is commonplace. All the actors involved in training and work agree that it is in training processes where we should acquire knowledge, develop skills and internalize risk identification and prevention behaviours at work. For participants in training processes, in particular young people, to effectively adopt safe and healthy work behaviours, they must understand and value their importance, associate them and apply them in the different processes and moments of their work practice, know their rights and duties in this field and, most of all, identify and act to prevent the specific risks to which they are exposed to by developing OSH skills. The objective of this booklet is to offer some practical guidelines to teachers to make their work in the field of OSH easier. The guidelines and suggestions that are here systematized aim at mainstreaming the prevention of risks at work, the protection and the promotion of health into the forestry and wood production sector, while also taking into account the particular features of the target audience: young people who are participating in educational processes. These guidelines include: Identification of skills to be developed by participants, Methodological suggestions for mainstreaming, Analysis of work processes by identifying risks, common errors and systematizing good practices, Examples of learning activities linked to different risks and a repository of resources to support training processes.

Level of Education: Initial vocational education and training

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