
National Network


Work-related stress is one of the biggest health and safety challenges facing Europe. Nearly one in four workers is affected by work-related stress, and studies suggest between 50-60% of all lost work days are attributable to work stress. This imposes huge costs both in human distress and impaired economic performance. Every 3.5 minutes, one EU citizen dies of work-related causes. Each year, more than 40 million workers in the EU fall ill from stress. 159,000 workers in the EU die annually of occupational stress related diseases.
The World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease Survey estimates that mental disease, including stress-related disorders, will be the second leading cause of disabilities by the year 2020.
European Organisation for Stress Hazard Evaluation, is a non-profit organization founded in Sweden with the aim to help reducing European occupational stress related costs: human costs to workers and their families, business costs to organisations and companies and costs to society.
To achieve this aim EurOSHE provides companies and public sector with tailor made Psychosocial Risk Management following the European framework (PRIMA-EF).
Psychosocial Risk Management starts with the identification of problems and an assessment of the risk that they pose: Psychosocial/Stress Hazard Evaluation.
EurOSHE’s aim is also to promote and support the scientific development of psychosocial risk management and its border areas, and to support research and education within this field.

Contact Information:

Stefano Farkas
Psy.D, LCH

+46 8 559 26 469

Internet: www.euroshe.org
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