National Network
University Of Girona

The Escola Politecnica Superior (Polytechnic School) of the University of Girona is the center where students are studying the technological sphere of the University of Girona. The aim of the Polytechnic School is to train professionals in the field of Technology.
The Polytechnic School was put into operation during 1973/74 as a College of Engineering, depending on the University of Barcelona, Polytechnic University of Catalonia later. In 1992 the university restructuring in Catalonia became part of the University of Girona, changing its name to the current Technical College.
The Polytechnic School in the University of Girona had had postgraduate and Master studies on health and safety. Due to the actual situation, namely deep changes in the higher education context, the orientation has changed from postgraduate studies to an integrative strategy.
Contact information:
Universitat de Girona
Oficina de Salut Laboral
Campus de Montilivi- mòdul 22
c. Maria Aurèlia Capmany, 63-65
17003 Girona
Tel Fix +34 689003571 (ext. Int. UdG 5499)
Tel +34 636 649 707 (ext. Int. UdG 9085)
The Polytechnic School was put into operation during 1973/74 as a College of Engineering, depending on the University of Barcelona, Polytechnic University of Catalonia later. In 1992 the university restructuring in Catalonia became part of the University of Girona, changing its name to the current Technical College.
The Polytechnic School in the University of Girona had had postgraduate and Master studies on health and safety. Due to the actual situation, namely deep changes in the higher education context, the orientation has changed from postgraduate studies to an integrative strategy.
Contact information:
Universitat de Girona
Oficina de Salut Laboral
Campus de Montilivi- mòdul 22
c. Maria Aurèlia Capmany, 63-65
17003 Girona
Tel Fix +34 689003571 (ext. Int. UdG 5499)
Tel +34 636 649 707 (ext. Int. UdG 9085)
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Generalitat de Catalunya
The Sub-Directorate General for Health and Safety at Work of the Ministry of Enterprise and Labour is part of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya). The sub-directorate longs to increase awareness for Safety and Health at work, provides information and publications on occupational risks and how to prevent them, about accidents and occupational diseases, and about organization and management in prevention. It also manages the registry of reported work-related accidents in Catalonia and OSH data source, and provides specialised health and safety advice and support to businesses and other institutions.
Furthermore, the sub-directorate offers and promotes training, promotion and campaigns on safety and health at work on national level, and takes part in specific European campaigns.
Contact infomation:
La Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament de Treball, Afers
C/Sepúlveda 150
08011 Barcelona
+34 932285757
Fax +34 932285623
Furthermore, the sub-directorate offers and promotes training, promotion and campaigns on safety and health at work on national level, and takes part in specific European campaigns.
Contact infomation:
La Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament de Treball, Afers
C/Sepúlveda 150
08011 Barcelona
+34 932285757
Fax +34 932285623
Jaume de Montserrat i Nonó
Yvonne Fondevila McDonald