
National Network

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is an Industry Federation within the European Trade Union Confederation and an autonomous organisation within the Education International Pan-European Structure. More than 100 Unions, institutions and organizations from 31 different European countries are members of this committee. ETUCE organizes and runs several projects on European level, for example on work-related stress, violence at work, violence and harassment (and cyber-harassment) at schools, gender equality in the education sector and a "European eLearning Forum for Education" (ELFE).

In 2010 the ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) started the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in Education which has got Health and Safety issues as a priority topic on the joint agenda.

Contact information:
Martina DiRidolfo
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European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW)

EFBWW together with their counter part FIEC were members of the Advisory Board of the ENETOSH project, funded by the European Commission, and represented the social partners of the construction sector at European level within the project. Both encouraged the network even before the project was approved by the European commission.
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