HEALTHY WORKPLACES SUMMIT ‘Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load

Location: Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao, Spain

Across the course of the past two years our pan-European healthy workplaces campaign has focused on the importance of preventing and actively managing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace and encouraging employers, managers and workers and their representatives to work together in this endeavour.

Since its launch in October 2020, the Campaign has encompassed and supported a wide range of activities at both the European and national level. To bring the three-year campaign to a fitting close, EU-OSHA is organising a closing conference across two half-days.

The Healthy Workplaces Summit 2022 will bring together leading European experts and decision-makers to discuss the results of the campaign, exchange good practices and explore future strategies for addressing the challenge of preventing and managing MSDs in European workplaces through plenary sessions, parallel sessions and discussion. The event also features the ‘Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards Ceremony’, putting the spotlight on the award-winning and commended good practice examples from this Europe-wide competition.

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